

Training your dog is very important as it promotes good dog ownership, below are a few ideas for you to read,

How do dogs learn?
If dogs do something that brings a reward, it increases the possibility that they will do it again. All animals learn through or perform for rewards – including humans!

The science is called operant conditioning. Understanding reinforcement is key to understanding how learning takes place. Each day is made up of a series of behaviour’s that are either reinforced or not reinforced.

When puppies are born, they do not know how to behave in every situation they meet. To adapt and survive they are equipped with the ability to learn and throughout their life they will make use of their experiences to develop a range of behavioural responses.

Owners often find some behaviour’s ‘cute’ or funny in a puppy but once it matures that behavior can become a problem. Jumping up to greet you can be cute in a puppy but not so good in a full-grown adult dog.

So why train your dog?
To help build and maintain the bond between you and your dog
To improve communication with your dog
To help your dog become more confident and resilient
To keep your dog and others safe
To allow your dog to be part of your daily life
To be a responsible dog owner
To have fun with your dog

Dogs have needs and desires that can be grouped into four categories,
The need to stay safe
The needs to maintain the body
The need to reproduce
The need to be in a social group

For all dogs, whatever breed, if their needs are not met, they will attempt to find their own outlet for whatever behaviour they need to show. It is not just physical needs that must be met but also their emotional needs. We must consider the emotional needs of each individual dog.

The Five Cs is also recommended

C – Calm –we encourage calm so that dogs will be able to concentrate, learn, think and feel good

C Connection –we need build up connection with the dogs handler when out on walks to help them
feel safe

CChoices –choices can be as simple as “choosing” to calm, “choosing to sit” and not jump etc. When we use cues for various behaviour’s, it may briefly manage them, but it does not feel as good as when a dog “chooses” to calm. Also, when we ask for a Sit or other behaviour’s using verbal cues, the dogs often use up their tiny bit of self-control doing them and then “explode” and can often believe we are “joining” in.

CConsistency – we must be consistent in what we do with our dogs to avoid with our dogs to avoid confusion.

C Confidence – once we have calm, connection and use fewer verbal cues, their confidence grows, and
they are then ready to learn.

Taking your dogs to training classes is also very important, finding the right dog trainers can be mind boggling at times, we at SBT Rescue recommend.

Association Of Into Dogs where you can find a trainer in your area.

Feeding, Food & Nutrients

The proper balance of nutrients is essential when feeding your dog. Animals just like humans need a certain combination of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water every day to function normally. Balanced nutrition is no accident – pet food manufacturers work hard to determine the exact formula that goes into their products so that they provide everything your dog needs daily.

There are foods designed for specific stages of life from puppies or geriatric dogs, while some provide hypoallergenic nutrition and other formulations are developed to control specific health conditions like heart disease, kidney disease, etc.

Each nutrient in your dog’s food has a purpose. Without adequate nutrition, your dog would not be able to maintain muscle tone, build and repair muscles, teeth, and bone, perform normal daily activities with ease or fight-off infection.

Proteins provide a source of energy and help with muscle function and growth. Fats provide energy, help the brain function, and keep the skin and hair coat shiny and healthy. Carbohydrates supply a source of quick energy that allow your dog to be active and energetic. Vitamins and minerals are necessary for muscle contraction and nerve conduction and they work to prevent disease.

Over the years a lot of dogs foods have changed and new ones have come  on the market, it can be confusing as to what is the best food for your dog as all dogs are different, finding a food that they like can take some time,

The foods that we recommend are

Arden Grange



